Welcome to The Bridgewater Clinic
Our aim is to restore your body’s own ability to heal itself. For most patients we see, there is something stopping their bodies from healing, and it is that something we treat. To do this we take a thorough case history, examine and offer a diagnosis. We work with patients to agree an appropriate treatment and offer after care advice which might be exercises, stretches and changes to workplaces.
We will give advice on activities to do or even to avoid which may include postural exercises,
the application of hot or cold packs, the ergonomic set up of your workstation.
We will also work alongside other health professionals such as
doctors, surgeons, and sport’s club physiotherapists.
We’re here to make you better Back to fitness Enjoy your sport again A step to better fitness Keeping you moving Here to help you recover Smart, safe & effective health care For fitness and wellbeing Improving performance by reducing stress. Keeping the sports community healthy Here to help you perform better A step to better health Your health in reliable hands Change the way you feel Wellbeing for everybody Dedicated to your health and wellbeing Your sporting dreams are our mission

On your first visit we will take a detailed case history and complete a thorough examination. During your examination and treatment, you may need to remove some clothing. If you prefer, you can bring shorts and vest to change into.
We will offer a diagnosis, agree a treatment plan and if appropriate, you will also receive treatment on your first visit.
We try to avoid causing pain during your assessment and treatment though this is sometimes necessary to understand the cause of the pain and to offer an effective treatment. We always endeavour to keep this to a minimum and work within your tolerance.
After examination we will discuss our findings, the cause of your pain and offer appropriate treatment with after care advice.

During treatment we will use a variety of techniques to reduce muscle tension, stretch restricted joints, gentle massage, rhythmic joint movements and muscle release techniques. We may also adjust manipulate restricted joints using short quick movements.
Session times are typically 30 minutes but may vary due to the complexity.

If you’re not sure if we can help, give us a call and we can advise you on appropriate treatment.
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